Class of 2020 Profile - Meet Jessup.

Jessup is a JC Senior planning to go to SUNY Cortland next year.  Jessup is a three sport athlete playing baseball, football, and running indoor track.  He also plays violin in the orchestra and pit orchestra and has been involved with BCMEA and Boy's State.  


A little known fact about Jessup, and this is a direct quote…. "My crazy socks were a joke, until they became a hobby."  Now I'm wondering why we didn't do a crazy sock shot in his senior package?   His favorite quote comes from the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus who said "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters".


When we asked him about his favorite part of his senior experience, he said it was getting to jump in the long jump sand pit.  Let's frame this for you, it was a cold day that we shot, somewhere around 40 degrees and here is Jessup doing jump after jump after jump into 40 degree sand so we could get just the right spray of sand on impact.  Please like this post and share it so everyone can see this Class of 2020 Rockstar!
