Family Portrait Sessions


Keepsake Collection


15 minute session
Inside or outside studio
1 outfit

8 fully edited proofs*

5 prints up to 8x10***
-or- 5 digital files

5 prints and all digital

Memories Collection

30 minute session
Inside or outside studio
1-2 outfit

16 fully edited proofs

10 prints up to 8x10
-or- 10 digital files

10 prints and all digital

Both include smartphone app****

Legacy Collection


45 minute session
Inside or outside studio
1-3 outfits

24 fully edited proofs
3 special effects edits**

15 prints up to 8x10
-or- 15 digital files

15 prints and all digital

Both include smartphone app and Social Media Digital Files*****

Heirloom Collection

60-90 minute session
Up to 2 locations
1-5 outfits

32 fully edited proofs
5 special effects edits

20 prints up to 11x14
-or- 20 digital files

20 prints and all digital

Both include smartphone app and Social Media Digital Files

Black Label Collection

60-90 minute session
Up to 2 locations
1-5 outfits

32 fully edited proofs
8 special effects edits

50 prints up to 8x10
-or- all digital files

50 prints and all digital

Additional Prints $1 ea.
Both include smartphone app and Social Media Digital Files

*A proof is a fully edited image. These will be included in an online gallery, where you can choose any mix of images for your prints and/or digital selections.
** Special effects edits are custom edits that may include artistic black and whites, multi-layered Photoshop creations, and sports graphics.
*** Additional prints are available for purchase through your online gallery. Add-on print pricing varies based on the collection purchased (Keepsake starts at $20 per print, Memories starts at $15 per print, Legacy starts at $10 per print, Heirloom starts at $5 per print, and Black Label starts at $1 per print).
**** Smartphone apps will include all of the edited images from your session in a convenient, personalized app that can be used on iOS or Android. This is just a method of viewing your photos; you cannot print from nor purchase images from within the app. You can share this app with as many people you like by forwarding the app invitation email to them. Future sessions can be added to the same app so you can have your family photos from many sessions in one convenient place.
***** ***** Social Media Digital Files are web-friendly, watermark-free copies of images. These files are 1024 pixels on the long side. These share well on social media sites, make nice phone wallpaper, but are not what you would want to use for printing. High-resolution files are available through your online gallery.