Formal Senior Portrait Tips and Tricks


Some schools require the formal look of drape and pearls and the tuxedo and some seniors choose to have this timeless look for their senior yearbook photo. Either way, we can accommodate you right here in our studio.


Traditional Drape and Pearls

A classic look

The drape can be a bit tricky to put on so you will want to have help. You should bring a friend or family member to your session to assist you. You will also want to wear a tank top or something that can easily slip off your shoulders to get the look you see above. We have two different sets of pearls to let you have your choice of looks.

Formal Tuxedo Options

We have your size

We have six sizes of jackets to accommodate just about any body type. Additionally, we have a velcro-on shirt that can accommodate anyone. You will want to wear a solid color tee-shirt to put this over. The last choice would be the color of the bow tie which will vary depending on the yearbook rules in your school. We have 10 different colors of bow-tie ranging from black, white, and all the school colors in between.